Introducing GoPano.

In late 2010, Full Stop was approached by a Pittsburgh company interested in working with us to design and develop a website for sharing 360° videos. EyeSee360 had a decade of experience building lenses that enabled camera owners to create one-shot 360° photos and videos. Now they wanted to use that knowledge to create the first ever device that would bring that capability to the iPhone. The GoPano Micro is the realization of that vision, and is the site we built together to allow people to create and share these unbelievable experiences.

For the past year, beginning even before the incredibly successful Kickstarter campaign for the GoPano Micro ((The GoPano Micro was one of the most successful projects in Kickstarter history, and the most funded iPhone project ever.)), the EyeSee360 team has been working around the clock to create the best hardware and software possible. We were fortunate to have a role incubating the video sharing site as well as the EyeSee360 company site, the Shopify-based store for buying GoPano products, and the official GoPano iPhone app for recording, sharing, and viewing 360° videos. If you have an iPhone, you can download the app now to view the videos.

To say we were thrilled to work with a local company making unique, exciting products for the best phone in the world would be an understatement. We are eagerly looking forward to seeing the GoPano platform improve as the tools for making 360° video are made available to everyone. The first time you are able to simultaneously capture your kid blowing out the candles and her grandmother’s reaction you’ll be sold on the appeal of omnidirectional video.

It’s not often you get a chance to participate in the early stages of what has the potential to revolutionize an industry. We are grateful for the opportunity and pleased with the result.

Check out this 360° video of the Pittsburgh Penguins warming up. Click and drag to view the video in all directions.