The primary purpose of having a blog is to participate in pointless memes. As seen on For a Beautiful Web, here are the websites that appear when I type the letters a-z into my browser’s location field. Unlike other browsers, Firefox 3 uses a custom algorithm to determine which URLs to surface. The ranking is a combination of frequency and recentness of your visits (frecency). Matching is sub-string and includes URLs and titles, so I’ll need to cheat a bit to ensure each URL begins with the appropriate letter. I’ll also be excluding sites I’ve worked on. Let’s commence.
- A: http://andyrutledge.com
- B: http://brizzly.com
- C: http://codex.wordpress.org
- D: http://delicious.com
- E: http://expressionengine.com
- F: http://footballguys.com
- G: http://google.com/analytics
- H: http://haystack.com
- I: http://imeem.com
- J: http://jquery.com
- K: http://kk.org
- L: http://langstons.com
- M: http://mail.google.com
- N: http://nearlyfreespeech.net
- O: http://omnigroup.com
- P: http://paulgraham.com
- Q: (nothing)
- R: http://reader.google.com
- S: http://slate.com
- T: http://twitter.com
- U: http://unitinteractive.com
- V: http://vimeo.com
- W: https://wave.google.com
- X: (nothing)
- Y: http://yahoo.com
- Z: (nothing)
Naturally, I’m going to call out Jay here. Gimme your Safari-lovin’ best.